October is Health Literacy Month—a time for health care professionals to promote practices and policies that enable patients to understand and use health information to improve their health.
Red Flags of Low Health Literacy and Strategies that Help
Have you ever wondered if you communicated your main points well to your patient, client, or others you serve? Or thought, that despite your best efforts, they didn’t understand what you were trying to say? It’s possible that some people don’t get your messages because they struggle with low health literacy.
Training Translators to Use Plain Language
Let’s say you’ve used plain language best practices to create high-quality health education material that is easy to read, understand, and use. Now you want to share this material with Spanish speakers, so you have it translated. How do you know the translated material uses plain language like the source material?
We are going on a communication journey (Ditch the paper map and use GPS!)
By: Alison Caballero, MPH, CHES, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Health Literacy, in anticipation of retirement on June 30, 2023 Read More